The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3536294
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
11-Jul-13 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
All that being said, this case is being used, to foment civil unrest..and those fomenting it don't really give a damn about Martin, his family, the merits of the case, evidence, even race...they are just looking for a hot button issue, and this is it(or one of them).
For me personally, I'm not into 'trying the case' in the Mudcat forum, or in the press, or at the coffee shop...what DOES concern me, and you as well, though you might not be aware of the deceitful, manipulation of some VERY evil people, opportunists of the worst kind, to suck people into the re-action, that they've been organizing, since the beginning!!..before they even knew the facts or the outcome...AS YOU HAVE SEEN!! Don't fall into it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Matter of fact, you should recognize and mark those who are doing this, promoting it, fanning it, and pay very little or no attention to them. They are shills, either unwitting ignorant, or consciously in on it. They don't give a damn about the race issue, except to exploit it, for some VERY twisted political end..that has NOTHING to do with correcting the ills of the past! ..or even having genuine compassion for anyone but their own political avarice!
Walk away...GET OFF THE TRACKS!!
How much more evidence do you need?????????..You, and a lot of other people are being conned!. Don't go for it!...Learn a new tune.