The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3536332
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
11-Jul-13 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
""IF I am being beaten, with no sign of an end to it, how close to death must I be before I can fire one shot in self defence?

Vision going?
Losing consciousness?
Breathing impaired?

Of course, with the ground at your back, an assailant who weighs 156 lb, you could use your superior weight (204 lb, a three and a half stone advantage) to simply throw him off (simple enough, anybody who has changed a gearbox without removing the engine has done as much (130 - 150lb for a family sized car)).

No he's only a crooked black kid and he's given you the excuse you need.

Easier and more satisfying (maybe even heroic if he turns out to be the crook you estimate him to be) to shoot him.

Think about the converse: Based on your experience as a black youth in Florida, you see the guy who just challenged you reach for a pocket.

You believe he may be going for a gun, and you fear he will use it.

He isn't a cop! Is he a mugger?......What do you do.

1. Do nothing. Just wait for the bang?
2. Turn and run and wait for the bang?
3. Grab him and make sure he doesn't reach that pocket?

Doesn't Florida's own "Stand your Ground Law" cover you for that?

Well NO! NOT IF YOU ARE BLACK! That law is only for real people.

And, for Goofus' benefit, that isn't promoting race hatred! It is exposing the level of institutional racism in the Southern States and specifically in Sanford Florida, where it is apparently a Capital Offence for black people to do their shopping after dark.

Don T.