The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151472   Message #3536767
Posted By: Little Hawk
12-Jul-13 - 01:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
Subject: RE: BS: Smoking in restaurants in July 2013
"It's enough to make you want to carry a small bell & shout "Unclean, unclean" like the lepers of old."

Now, THERE's a great idea! ;-D

I too had the good luck to grow up in a non-smoking family in the 50s and 60s (something about as rare as a dragon egg back in those days). I've never smoked, except in a handfull of Native American ceremonies...which is a special situation, and I'm okay with that.

I detest cigarette smoke, always have, and always will. (I don't care one bit for grass or hash smoke either, by the way. They all stink.) I'll make sure to avoid the restaurant near Shannonville.

Played a humorous song of mine at the TLC Cafe last night. It's called "She Was Real Good Lookin', But She Smelled Like an Ashtray". It always gets a good laugh from everyone. At least half the people who gather there ARE smokers, and one or another of them usually remarks after the song, "Gee, now I feel like going outside and having a smoke." and we all laugh. It's like saying to someone, "Don't think about an elephant." Impossible. I sing the song not to persuade anyone of anything, but merely to tell a shaggy dog tale, and the events in the song are appropriately exaggerated to the extreme.