The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3537275
Posted By: Bat Goddess
14-Jul-13 - 10:27 AM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Exchanged loaner for my car yesterday; hope the problem is finally fixed. Alas, didn't see Peter to talk to and was too busy to call him today.

Picked up my Meadow's Mirth share at the Portsmouth Farmers' Market -- first time I'd been there since they moved from the municipal lot on Pleasant St. years ago. Bit of a hike up the hill...

Got arrowhead cabbage and some interesting heirloom cukes. Cute little yellowish ones. Think I need to make some refrigerator pickles. Oh, and pork chops and chorizo. Forgot the eggs.

From another vendor I got an incredible clump of basil, since all the basil I planted drowned. I've got this clump in a large vase and it's scenting the house. Glorious! (And a really good idea since Tom has company coming today; maybe they won't notice what a lousy housekeeper I am.) Minced a few leaves last night to put in the garlic butter for the garlic bread and also tried an experimental batch of basil vinegar (to go with my lovely rosy purple chive vinegar), but will use most of it in pesto probably tomorrow. Maybe some basil-infused vodka, too, though. (Ooo...just found what sounds like a great recipe for garlic basil infused vodka!) Since the roots are left on, I'll plant them again and see what happens.

After the farmers' market I passed up a neighborhood yardsale and went over to a friend's. She's a librarian and a musician and our conversation is always lively, inspiring, educational...and a great delight. Sat on the deck sipping wine and stayed longer than I'd intended to. Called Tom to apologize...and brought home interesting choices for supper to make up for it.

A couple of Tom's high school classmates are coming to visit this afternoon -- one from Wolfeboro and the other from Cambridge. We should be able to enjoy some great conversation on the deck -- if the glare doesn't make it painful for Tom.

Maybe this week will be dry enough to get some more yard and garden work done this week. Discovered a couple mallow plants (in the wrong place) so I didn't lose them -- need to transplant to a more appropriate spot. Moving things around is what I need to do most of. That and hacking down some more brush. Maybe this fall I can get a friend with a chainsaw to help cull some of the bigger stuff and clean out the periphery of the woods, too.

Gotta go spiffify the house a bit for this afternoon's company...
