The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3537392
Posted By: Bobert
14-Jul-13 - 05:10 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Yes, and as I have pointed out here earlier, the KKK gunned down 5 peaceful demonstrators in 1979 in Greensboro, NC and got away with it... Eastern NC has been especially racist going back forever and the Klan is still very active...

BTW, speaking of the Klan, I recall my freshman year in college in Richmond, Va... I had an old 50's English Ford that wasn't all that reliable and for every hour I spent driving it I spent another hour fixing it...

Anyway, one night I got curious about what was outside of Richmond so the English Ford and I ventured out into the country... I was on this very deserted country road outside an area they just called Short Pump which wasn't even a crossroads but just a rural area... It was a pretty dark night and then I noticed that I was driving toward a lite up area... It was way down the road but the light was so bright that I thought maybe it would turn out to be rural high school football game all lit up...

Well, much to my horror, as I got closer I discovered the light was coming from a big bonfire and as I got closer I reckon ya'll can guess what was going on... Yup, a Klan rally out in big field... Musta been a couple hundred Klansmen in the white robes... I could see them plain as day...

No way I was going any further so I turned around and got the hell out of there... Now I don't know what they were up to but I knew that lynchings were still happening so I was glad they didn't run me down in one of their pick-up trucks and string me up for having longish hair and wearing sandals...
