The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3537799
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
15-Jul-13 - 03:34 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Rain is good! It replenishes the water supply. Also makes the grass grow... Too bad about that. I would think it would be good respite down there in dry Texas!

We have had a few non-rainy days. A gorgeous day, but hot, for the Music Fest. (Jeri missed it.) I had lots of good helpers setting up, lots of good socializing, tons of terrific music. Totally exhausted on Sunday, We had a light brekie about 11 and I dashed off to the fire museum to demo - NO ONE came! I spent a pleasant couple hours in the shade with three local folks and came back to Mill where -----TAH DAH, R had installed a washing machine!!
He bought it from an employee for $10 because he was going to trash it - he scratched the side while moving it so HE was going to buy a new one??? Beautiful machine. I did several loads this morning, found a place to put a clothesline and all is dry in the heat and wind. At last, clean clothes! We were at the bottom of the pile!

The other excitement is a "shower". "Couldn't you run a hose so the water is closer?" (He has lots of hoses from yard sales and auctions.) So a hose has been run within 20 feet of the kitchen AND, by running it out through the hole in the wall that will someday have a window, I put down four of those lovely rubber squares and a folding screen frame on which to place a towel and - after dark - had a lovely cool shower. It has a wonderful adjustable nozzle and turns off right there also. This morning I went to water the container plants out there and the water - in the black hose- was too hot! When it gets a bit cooler out, I shall get a bucket of hot water to wash the dishes. Such luxury!

Also, when we put out the hose, R found my wallet which had been missing since Friday eve. I knew it was around here somewhere. We looked and looked It must have dropped out of my pocket while I pulled a weed out there. That made for a stressful weekend so we were elated!

R left this morning rather high on all the organizing he managed to get done on the weekend. I likened it to the tasks of Hercules. He is preparing for the window manufacturer to move in and to move a whole bunch of stuff down from the city, to clear a 3000 sf space for rental. I hope a lot also goes to the scrap yard. The property manager said R and bro need to go on a vacation and let HIM clear that space! HE would seriously de-clutter! They won't.

We have no seen the girls in a few days but something eats the food I put out. Friday night we had a visit from two resident kits, not "ours"! They came to the K screening and looked in, then went toward the open door to the back. As we watched, the dominant one stood by the doorway and looked at us - "What are YOU doing here?" looked at its sib, "are you coming?" - 3 or 4 times and then they left and we closed the door.

His next concern is air conditioning. Mine is a bath tub - but I haven't mentioned it yet. Even if it is outside, i can still de-tox. Just need some screening do I don't scare the neighbours!