The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3537946
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
16-Jul-13 - 02:48 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Firth: "Goofball, you are the only one here who is blathering on about hate."

You're right!...The rest of you are about doing it!..and positioning yourselves to justify it!

Do you think that 'racial profiling' is about 'love'??
..and so many people are really pissed off and indignant about this being a 'racial hate crime'...right?
I mean if Zimmerman, or anyone for that matter, was thinking when they see somebody for the first time, and think, or say, "Nigger", and then confront the guy, I don't imagine the person thinking or saying that is using it as a term of endearment!...So you could WELL imagine(being as that's what everybody is doing) could WELL imagine that the person thinking it or saying it, is going to have a hostile chip on their shoulder, once they have to interact with each other, don't you? ...and much has been said about Zimmerman, and the debate is whether he had a racial hostile chip on his shoulder, when he first encountered Martin, that I imagine that the tones of voice would pretty much convey that..right??...I mean racial shit is still racial shit..right?..and if he's thinking 'nigger' I imagine that the air is going to be filled with tension...right?..So escalation is going to go REAL fast...right?
The prosecution entered a piece of evidence, that nobody seemed to zero in on....had they have done that, the racial element would have been clear....but there WAS a racial element, and it made it's way into evidence...right before they confronted each other, Martin described Zimmerman as a "creepy-ass cracker"
Does THAT count??????????...I mean, it IS a racial slur, isn't it????

I rest my case, on that one!
Nonetheless, maybe more focus on loving our fellow man, instead of looking for loopholes to look the other way!