The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3538048
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
16-Jul-13 - 10:23 AM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Hmmm, SRS: I am so used to places where it is meant to rain that I only get concerned about droughts! Several years ago in PA, I was working with a four year old boy, with a book that asked what colour is grass. Smart little guy said, "yellow". OH! He was right. The grass in his beautiful yard was yellow. I am still pleased that I had the wit not to contradict him!

I was really tired last night but finally convinced myself to go take a shower. Wonderful! THEN I want to bed, a bit cooler. Earlier I had given all the plants a shower, after the sun was off them but it was still hot. I think the huge fuschia uses a gallon a day! I found a clothes pole out there that may hold the "shower head" so I can get right under it. Have not yet come up with a scheme for privacy.

I also unpacked some of the pretty china and put it in the K just to have something nice to see, and use.

This morning, I ran extension cords - about 100 feet, from the pottery wheel to a convenience outlet. I suspect, however, it may be too hot to pot today. But I am ready! I have rediscovered the wonder of fans, though, and that might work.

Sorted and organized more stuff. Thinking of how to have a sewing area. Ahhh! I can hose off some of those rubber mats and make a clean space under a small table.... After I go to town for the first phase window covering. I have the method down to grommets and hooks. No top pole needed. And thin rope and cleats to be able to pull it up out of the way. Life is so experimental.