The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3538439
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
17-Jul-13 - 09:43 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Bobert, I think your overreaction to Bruce's post are 'maybe just a little over the top'..Bruce is not a wing of the KKK. He is merely pointing out that the FORCED overreactions, are contrived and distorted to the facts of the case. I know he gets criticized for posting 'cut and paste' texts..BUT, his texts are usually without his personal rantings. They are articles from reliable sources, which seem to be overlooked, in the wake of those who are forming EMOTIONAL responses.
The trial was FORCED through WITHOUT going to a Grand Jury, to sort out, with investigations, and without suppressed evidence, to be able to charge Zimmerman appropriately. It IS that SAME EMOTIONALISM that caused this case to be rammed through, WITHOUT proper protocol.. Nobody is doubting that there is racial biases in the South..BOTH fucking ways,,and it is that SAME, mindless EMOTIONALISM that is perpetuating the hostile biases!!! Can't you see that??..Maybe if YOU and other people that are out of control, would be in a frame of mind, other than hostility, maybe someone would listen. Hostility doesn't bring harmony. Hostility doesn't bring justice. Hostility doesn't bring dialogue. Hostility doesn't bring anything more than more hostility!!..and yet, you SAY you want the hostility of blacks to end11???!!?? YOU are prolonging it!!! RECONCILIATION comes with UNDERSTANDING...NOT block-headed stonewalling!!..either way. It reminds me of an old sticker I used to have, "Fighting for peace, is like fucking for virginity!"
What is your point of the ranting?? bring it to trial???? already went there. Perhaps, Trayvon gets a pass, and everybody looks the other way, disregarding that he threw the first punch!! That was racial, and hostile..and you think agitating hostility and more racism is going to stop that?????????? NO, IT MAKES MORE! Did you see the articles about WHY Trayvon was staying with his dad??..It was because he was suspended from school, for tagging lockers, vandalism, and drugs, and having stolen property..AND the article goes on to say, that in school surveillance videos he is seen looking suspicious....but if the Neighborhood Watch guy, says he was looking suspicious, the FIRST thing you guys do, is say that it was because of his race!..Was that the same reason the school spokesman said it too?..MAYBE HE WAS up to something..maybe he wasn't before Zimmerman crossed paths with him....from the re-actions of a lot of stupid people, it is apparent that THEY are the racists, and pretty fucking lame ones at that! Nobody bitches when black on white crimes, and beatings, and death occurs, as Bruce points out..nobody bitches about black on black crimes occur (except Bill Cosby had some stern, honest words)..but you apologetics just keep fanning the fires, as if you were the 'set-up' crew for the KKK!!
Hostility breeds more hostility!!! Understanding and acceptance breeds reconciliation!! ARE YOU INTERESTED???????...or out for more blood??. Black and white are skin colors, blood is much more needs to spill, before you get your satisfaction????
Shit, I can't believe I'm having to tell a grown man this!