The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151278   Message #3538819
Posted By: SteveMansfield
18-Jul-13 - 05:07 AM
Thread Name: Whitby 2013
Subject: RE: Whitby 2013

When you get there ask at the office if there's a venue that would welcome impromptu music workshops. Then put an advert in the Wailer for later in the week for all tenor banjo and mandolin players of all levels to meet up. You run the workshop. You don't have to be a big star to run a workshop. Call it a 'session' rather than a workshop. If you're wanting to learn there's a good chance you can learn from the others who'll turn up. I've run 'Squeezarounds' for mainly Anglos at Whitby and these are usually well attended.

There's usually some vacant slots in the programme for that very purpose - venues that haven't got anything pre-booked into the schedule, but are available on a first-come first-served basis for people to set up just that sort of event and advertise it through the Wailer.

I had vague thoughts of doing just that very thing for a non-beginners whistle & flute session, offering the opportunity to spend a couple of hours learning about and playing some of the brilliant multi-part music of the Basel Fasnacht and other fife/flute band traditions, but I've done precisely naff all about getting it organised - maybe another year ...