The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3539546
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-Jul-13 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Oh, Jeri, I can commiserate. Last night while manually juicing a couple limes, I (I couldn't do this if I tried) stabbed my left thumb with my right thumbnail. It removed a small flap of skin with the skin still attached to the thumb by the 4th side. Hurts way more than it has any business hurting.

Alan, alas, didn't put in an appearance at the Press Room because he had a gig later (despite the fact that his bandmates did).

My digital camera seriously sucks at closeups and these bugs are tiny. I've got about a half dozen of them in a vial. Maybe tomorrow morning I'll attempt some photos before I head to the Portsmouth Farmers' Market. (After which I'll come home, have a bit of time available then load up Tom into the car and turn around and head to Portsmouth again -- about 25 miles -- to the monthly Press Room sea music sing. Maybe Alan will be at that session...

You couldn't tell the AC was on at the Press Room...until you went outside. AC was nice in the car on the way home. House felt cool when we walked inside. Now I'm sitting here starkers in front of the fan and sweating.

