The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151586   Message #3539684
Posted By: Bobert
20-Jul-13 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Stand Your Ground
Subject: RE: BS: Stand Your Ground
Stand your ground laws have been pushed onto states by the NRA to sell more guns... And it's worked...

Right after NewTown there was a picture in the "Charlotte Observer" of a local gun shop with a line of white males waiting outside the door to purchase guns... There was another picture that ran a couple days later of that same gun store this time showing the inside of the store... There was not one single gun left....

The NRA is very, very good at selling guns and very, very bad in making us safer... Their narrative that guns make us safer is like telling us that smoking cigarettes is good for us... They have the microphone and the $$$ to push lies down people's throats and that's what they are doing...

The Center for Disease Control was in the midst of a study on the effects of gun violence and was close to making some of the preliminary finding public... The NRA got wind of it and used it clout to stop it...

Do the math...
