The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3539979
Posted By: Bobert
21-Jul-13 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Ditto on the despicable pig comment...

Sorry, GfinS, but that little ditty didn't do ditty for me... Too schmaltzy for my tastes... BTW, there's a major difference between
"old hippies" and "old radicals"...

Folks who weren't either really wouldn't understand that part because "old radicals" and "old hippies" did kinda look alike back then...

Martin Luther King was very puzzled about "hippies" because they were pretty much apolitical and just wanted to be left alone...

B~ (old radical)