The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3540141
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
21-Jul-13 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
Please forgive me if I already posted some of this:
Oh, yeah, it is the weekend. For a little while yet. R managed to get down for the cafe on Friday but went back to the city yesterday aft because of all the stuff that needed to be done - which is so overwhelming that he put it off until today, missing the beautiful weather that has replaced that dreadful heat.

I went to the city Thurs after treating myself to the cafe in St. I. Good soup and fine music. I spent the rest of the eve sorting out the laundry we had taken to the city. R had done some but could not work the antique dryer. So I dried what was washed and loaded everything in my car and brought it to the country to do on our wonderful "new" machine.   It holds lots more! Clean laundry goes in clear garbage bags, dirty in green ones. Fri and Sat were too windy for outdoor drying so I have been doing wash most of today, a perfect drying day.

Phase one of the window covering is a partial success. An outdoor covering is definitely more effective than indoor. The window glass is cool to the touch. So I purchased more materials - doing plain white on the rest. Seriously de-cluttered my bank account. It will reflect more heat and offer more light. But R does not care for the hanging down covering and would like awnings. I will work on that tomorrow morning - if the girls don't wake me up at 1:30 and 3:30 tonight! I see this project as de-cluttering the interior heat and saving on air conditioning/electric.

The girls (raccoons) came to the BR door talking to me at 1:30 am. Darn, I thought I was off duty after feeding them at 9 pm! So I gave them the bum's rush out the back door. At 3:30, having made their way around this building to "their hole", they wanted mom. The food was there but I got dressed and sat with them and tummy-tickled until they seemed to be through eating. I did not give them more grapes. NO treats if you wake me in the middle of MY night! Then I told them enough - go! And I went back to bed, undisturbed until morning! YAY!

We HAVE to get this place tightened up! I am afraid if I go away overnight, havoc will happen. R and I spent most of Sat morning considering and making improvements to the K design I did on Friday. R went off with the design, both of us satisfied, and, any year now, this Ikea K will happen. BUT I made it VERY CLEAR, I want a wood floor and the walls finished FIRST. Never mind this, "we can just put the cabinets in place" nonsense. Do that and who knows what year we will get the rest completed! I took him out back and showed him the huge pile of flooring sitting out there. Just let Bruno do it! The concrete floors are not level. I don't care how level the floor is as long as I am not living with the constant stress of - if I drop something it is history.

How much of the building is habitable? Define habitable! I am sitting in a room with two window walls - a 10x10 "solarium" with drapes on the windows, a patio door with SCREEN! Two months ago it housed a defunct furnace and once the concrete floor is cleaned and painted - black for a heat sink in cool weather, the walls and ceiling are done properly (holes in both right now and dirt falls out), and a shelf/step put in place for the plants and to hide the foundation wall which is 8 inches higher than the floor, I will consider it habitable and I will put down throw rugs. For now, it contains a comfortable folding chair, futon in frame (huge!) as sofa/bed, a floor lamp, a wooden bench and a wooden chair - the latter two as the only places to put things. The old chimney is still taking up an 18x18 inch space in the corner - a heat sink? OK, it is moderately habitable. At least the roof does not leak water, just dirt. I stuffed newspaper in the hole, then taped cardboard over it.

Sat, we also talked about what else will be happening - bathroom with skylight - after all, there is already a huge hole in the roof! BR, small movie theatre, library, bigger LR than originally planned... Most of it a surprise to me. But then, what year?

Well, I have managed not to injure myself and I am beginning to recover my energy after the move and the heat. We are to have decent weather for the next week. Supposed to go down to 50 tonight!