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Thread #150984   Message #3540992
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
23-Jul-13 - 07:53 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Firth: "Like I said, "puerile".

Of course you would say perfect!
Anything to justify sewing seeds of discontent, to satisfy your hormonal level, and not taking the responsibility, for how those seeds grow!..what they do...who it hurts...and to what end? My, how art imitates life!

How "Puerile" can you be??
Maybe you don't get it, and don't know why...let me help you out, okay?
You have this way of justifying irresponsible selfish things you've do/done in your life, and you somehow latch onto whatever 'cause' to parade around in, oblivious to the bullshit you promote, to justify 'other' serious irresponsibilities, without even stopping to consider, what VERY valid reason other people may see, that cause them to think you're full of shit...AND...not only that, you can't seem to fathom why that others can see those traits lasting you a fucking lifetime, and you just keep making excuses, and disregard or consider the priorities of others who WERE live on another planet...
You live in "Puerile"!

You hide behind being well read, as if you have a need to impress people by how 'wise' you are......which, by the way, does not even rival that many a father who responsibly and successfully cared and raised their own children, and the 'hands on' affirmation THAT brings, as opposed to 'looking up what some other 'great' mind had to say..about something else...instead of hands on, ...To your closest... and using it!...And, as I told you before, I'm very skeptical of people who have never done the very above, trying to 'organize' political control, over people who KNOW what it is to take care of 'first things first'...for themselves AND the community at large. They know what the NEED.

Some people grow up, and mature, past grabbing every opportunity for instant gratification, you know, like a child.... accomplishing a way to seem important, by throwing tantrums, and pretending to not respond, in a positive way, to common sense, while sewing hatred, unforgiveness, or any permissive bullshit, as a motive to hide your 'light weightiness'. Man, like you've peddled this lie to yourself, for so long, you've lost control over it..and can't distinguish between your political charade, and common sense!!!

You cannot separate 'legal', 'emotional', 'exploitation', street theater, and common sense, can you?
Here, I'll repeat it:

"Anything to justify sewing seeds of discontent, to satisfy your hormonal level, and not taking the responsibility, for how they grow!..what they do...who it hurts...and to what end? My, how art imitates life!"

Certain masses of people just don't trust those people, nor their agenda, who have that track record...and still justifies it, especially when they see their tactics.
That wasn't so hard was it?
You know what else you got fucked up along the way?
You can't tell who your friends are...those who you try to impress, don't care.

...and this is the short version.

Give my regards to the crickets and frogs.
Or send in the hand puppet.'re out of you depth.