The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #150984   Message #3541318
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Jul-13 - 03:58 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
That's bullshit, Don, and you know it. As far as your 'history' with the posted the story about it....unless that was a lie, too, which I just don't like being called on it..and by a 'higher' source than me, I might add!...and now you are quoting Shakespeare????...another diversion??..Why don't you just do some soul searching(if you have one left), and get your shit together. Maybe even quit trying to drive fraudulent agendas, and stringing out your dupes with ya'!

Oh, and as far as the Scripture I quoted you, 'If the shoe fits, wear it!'....problem is, you won't be able to tap dance!
You're getting nowhere fast!...or, as my dad used to say, "Going somewhere?..or just traveling?"

Richard, you and Greg F should get married, you'd have the same dialogue over the kitchen table...for years!

OH...and by the way, nobody has yet to show up and claim their sympathetic stand to the KKK or the White mean you guys were preaching to an empty choir loft???? ....or maybe nobody is buying your baloney? or the other.
Get a clue!