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Thread #150984   Message #3541342
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
24-Jul-13 - 05:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: George Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Subject: RE: BS: Zimmerman defense-' Evidence withheld'
Let's skip the premise for new excuses, and cut to the bottom line:

Zimmerman went to trial and was acquitted, which, by review of the evidence brought forward in that trial, by the jury, and review of the case by legal scholars, was the correct verdict. The issue of race was verified, NOT a factor. The race issue has been stirred up by the media, and carried forth by those of little or no LEGAL understanding, and has been blown out of proportion, by those who manipulate the emotions, of those same people, with little or no knowledge of the law. I pointed this out during the end of the trial, right after I heard John Guy's(prosecution) final closing arguments.
After the acquittal, there has been talk of the DoJ bringing another trial, on civil rights charges, if they thought there was cause, based on race. However, the FBI thoroughly investigated Zimmerman's past, and acquaintances, and found NO indication, or evidence to base the Federal government to bring charges. The media and political 'activists' have tried to keep the race factor up in everyone's face, still accusing, projecting, manipulating and exploiting the emotions, that they are trying to prolong, even making stuff up. I doubt, that on LEGAL grounds, that the DoJ, will charge him, but if they do, you can expect the same verdict. Get over the evidence showed, it was a case of self defense.
I may add, one more time, that there were circumstances that led up to it, that in reality, were stupid miscalculations on both of their parts, and a death could have been to who was more at fault, maybe we'll never know...but there were mutual mistakes made on both, on their parts.
Anybody who tries to stir up emotions, based on race, in this matter, should be consummately ignored!~...because, it has been proven to be bullshit!...By the FBI, Travon's mother, eyewitnesses to self defense, and phone transcripts.
You don't like it?..Tough beans. The 'Stand Your Ground' law, had nothing to do with the case, race had nothing to do with the case, and the 'pundit activists', Jackson, Sharpton, and all the 'little wannabes have even less to do with the case.

Have a Wonderful Day!


P.S. Don you want to 'duke it out' take it to another thread. You've been blown out of the water on this one!