The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3543378
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
29-Jul-13 - 10:05 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - JULY '13
A unique week: After hearing about Kat, I found that a long time friend (64) had recently died. That too was a surprise, again, too young. Then on Saturday night - this is not a small thing to us - one of the girls came to request the back door. There I am, "Where's your sister?" and looking all over for the second one. Addie was bereft as anyone, vocalizing and coming to me for cuddles and ear scratches. NO sister. Sunday eve, she came to us about 9:30 and I walked with her to the feeding area and sat with her while she ate. Then we walked back to our current LR and she wandered around vocalizing, occasionally settlng cat fashion and just watching us, being social, taking refuge in human company as she has no more sibs or peers. People grieve; so do other animals and my heart is weeping for this lonely little girl.

Today we received a call that someone had "rescued" 3 kits from the woods. He felt sure he left them long enough for mom to come back for them. We hope, as raccoon moms also grieve. I drove almost 70 miles to fetch these guys who are tiny. Would take all 3 to make Addie. I hope she accepts them. The babies will not be releasable until spring so we are faced with wintering over. The big cage, dismantled for the move shall have to be redone, with a roof and winterized coondos. I won't be able to go to the city until these guys are weaned!

Saturday the floor of the solarium was cleaned and painted a semi-matte black for winter heat gain. Tomorrow, maybe I will have time to furnish it. We also moved the rolling K into the LR-to-be - which is currently K, LR, DR & BR!- so R could get to the pieces of the K puzzle. Sunday, we took off to spend with our rehab friends in NYS, always a fun time. Wonderful walk through the woods of a place they are buying, bordering a lovely river, and including a small island, and with two babbling brooks - and got caught in downpour!

While I fetched kits, R went to see a kitchen for sale on Kijiji. The cupboards were not to his liking but the owner is giving him two nice big windows -that open! - and the flooring, which R says is really special and enough for our K! But not until mid-August. I am content that there is light at the end of the tunnel - and it is not a freight train coming through.

I am loving my washing machine and being able to keep up with the laundry, drying it on a line out back, getting much more exercise walking back and forth in this building!