The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151690   Message #3544852
Posted By: Bearheart
02-Aug-13 - 06:46 PM
Thread Name: Balcombe Protest Asking For Musicians
Subject: RE: Balcombe Protest Asking For Musicians
Folks, I have been supporting Frack-Free Sussex, and similar groups in Britain, from this side of the pond because I KNOW first hand what fracking does-- I have seen it happen to friends near me in WV, and also I am fighting it in my own state and community. I can tell you horror stories: a flock of 100 sheep who lost almost all the lambs of one season (in excess of 40)from still birth and birth defects. Land owners dying of liver cancer and other horrible diseases after their water was contamininated. These are people I have personal contact with. In addition to this, once they get a foothold these companies break their promises over and over-- they do not respect property rights, they care nothing for lives destroyed. And governments do not protect you after the fact, from what these companies do.I have been priviledged to visit England a number of times and what I know is, your land will not be what it was once they gain access-- don't let them do it!!!!

And the Green options are growing all the time-- solar and wind are constantly being made more efficient. WE HAVE OTHER OPTIONS! A blog I get daily, and go to often, covers all the latest on renewables and while it is based in the states it covers cutting edge news world wide.
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As for keeping folk music out of politics... Traditionally music is always the way the way that people have fought back best-- Pete Seeger built his carreer on it, Jean Ritchie has written songs about the effects of strip mining in her native Kentucky...but
many unsung heroes have documented the fight for equality in the work place, fair wages, decent working conditions. How is keeping poisons out of our water and air different??!! it is all still about justice-- environmental justice is social justice. Now more than ever.