The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151738   Message #3545549
Posted By: Bill D
04-Aug-13 - 04:28 PM
Thread Name: BS: Your Best Old Volkswagen Story...
Subject: RE: BS: Your Best Old Volkswagen Story...
I have already posted about my 56 bus that I parked in a space shorter than itself
I have had 2 other buses and a '62 Beetle. My friend, who was pretty good with engines, talked me into pulling the beetle engine to lap the valves. We pulled it out in the driveway and set it on a little table and he showed me how.... not that *I* ever intended to do it myself.

My 66 bus was fairly new when I got it, and I got famous as "Bill, the bus driver" when folks needed to move stuff....(you know how that goes). But the most interesting story was when I was living in Lawrence, Kansas and planning to move BACK to Wichita. I drove the VW back to Wichita and collected my friend the mechanic and we rented a U-Haul truck (as we intended to end in Wichita with both VW and truck. I assumed I'd drive VW bus and he'd drive truck....but.... he said...."Hmmmm...I wonder. No sense in buying gas for 3 vehicles.Do you know where there's a loading dock?" Oh-oh!
Turns out there was a dock right near where I used to work, and I had used it to load a big fork lift on a truck to take it for service. So, wondering what laws we were breaking, off we went and drove that VW right into the U-haul! Blocked the wheels, set the brake and headed off for 3+ hour drive to Lawrence, where there was a loading dock at the place I'd been employed in Lawrence...Stokley-VanCamp's bean cannery. Arrived late at night...maybe 10-11PM, backed up to the dock, and I went in to find the night watchman (whom I knew slightly) to make sure we were not 'surprised'. Told him we needed to unload my van. He looked dubious, but shrugged.
Now this dock was not like the deep, wide one we'd used to load... it was only a couple feet deeper than the length of the VW......but if you saw my earlier post, you know I can do things with a VW bus! So... I gently backed out of the truck and carefully, after 5-6 back & forths, got the van parallel on the dock. Easy...almost done...right? Umm... not quite. The only way OFF that dock was the ramp used by the fork lifts to go down to a gas pump, and the ramp was at the far end, flush against a wall, with a two-flap folding rubber door at the top of the ramp. We had NOT measured this ahead of time...we just relied on my "Oh, I 'think' there's room." guess!
So... having cleverly pointed the rear of the bus toward the ramp end of the dock, off I went, making 7-8 or more tiny moves to get the bus pointed at the rubber doors. S-l-o-w-l-y I eased the rear of the bus between the flaps of the door with maybe 1/2" to spare on each side and felt like we had made it...until I heard "Whoa"!. Seems the rear view mirrors were an issue. Rolled the passenger side window down and folded the long mirror slightly into it, then folded the driver's mirror as tight as it would go, and squeezed thru those rubber doors. I am sure that if they had been metal doors, we'd never have made it. I mean we are talking 1/8" safety margin!

So...then we loaded the bus and truck at the house & moved... everything seemed so simple after that!