The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9195   Message #3547430
Posted By: GUEST,Guest, Mary
09-Aug-13 - 09:06 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Spider's Web
My daughter loves to hear this song at night right now--I looked online to see if there were verses I didn't know about. I learned it in 1982 at a girl scout camp called Mitre Peak just outside of Alpine, Texas. The tune was slightly different, as were the words, in which we sang "a web that I weave in my room each night." I loved the idea that I was creating my own dreams, good and scary, and that remembering the dream was a sign it ended all right.
I also sang "made of silver shining shadows" but I bet I just heard it wrong!
Thanks to everyone for posting the lyrics, etc--a 15 year thread.