The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151803   Message #3547795
Posted By: GUEST,Musket curious
11-Aug-13 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: Moscow Olympics.
Subject: RE: BS: Moscow Olympics.
Kevin. Although peer pressure may be ultimately strong, smoking and drugs are choice. Most gay people when writing about their lifestyle say it is much stronger than that. Not being gay I couldn't say, but have no reason to disbelieve.

Wearing rainbow colours fits with my view that it should go ahead. In fact the publicity around their draconian laws abusing human rights wouldn't have the international focus without the upcoming games.

Mrs Musket and I ski and hitherto were looking forward to using the resort after the Olympics. We most probably shan't give Russia tourist income now. A pity because we skiied Whistler before and after the last games and the infrastructure to places that Olympics offers goes much further than the games. (Although Sheffield is still paying for the world student games now, and most of the stadia are crumbling. ..)