The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28556   Message #354856
Posted By: wysiwyg
11-Dec-00 - 08:56 AM
Thread Name: Fire in Praise's Home
Subject: RE: Fire in Praise's Home
Thanks Seamus, and thanks everyone.

When I asked Seamus to paste this from e-mail for me I was not sure I would ever come back to Mudcat, for I have been far and wide since last here and some of the pastures, frankly, are pretty green. And in some ways it would have been better to leave things here alone. But I did want my old MudBuds to know.... I could not have said exactly why... I just did. I thought when the thread pooped out Seamus would just e-mail it to me.

But now, what Max said yesterday about his removal of a thread and about why he did it and how he felt about it afterwards.... Max apologized to us all for doing what is his absolute right to do-- because he had violated his own sense of what's right. I've done that too and if Max of all people can acknowledge a mistake, how can I do less?

I have some things to clear up... and being here will never be the same. But I hope to have your encouragement to all parties involved in "the late unpleasantness" to clear things up. I'll go first.

Kat, I am sorry. I did not treat you as I should have, starting a long time ago, and I am sorry for all the misunderstandings that I can see now flowed out of that. I've found a good place to write about a lot of the things I used to write about here. I hope to see some of your writing there sometime as well. I'll PM you with the rest unless you want to give me your new e-mail address.

Micca, you tried hard to do something right with a wrong situation. God love you! I wish we had known each other better going into it, so that what we discussed might have had a sounder footing.

To everyone else who had an opinion about what occurred.... please, no "voting." There was a lot going on that I cannot go into without violating ethics I hold dear. Let us clear it up ourselves, OK?

Oh and watch out for that Emily Littella. She has a lot of stress to work off and you may see more of her.

Max... thanks.
