The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3548627
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
13-Aug-13 - 12:37 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
In the city:
Nice to hear from Susan re her progress!

SRS: Wow, major fall organizing in progress! Well, it feels like fall here, maybe not in Texas. Re raccoons: this is going to be tough. We are fully aware of health issues. Addy, however, is not using the attic as a bathroom. She uses a plastic lid in the "storage area" which I then have to clean up daily! After all, she had a plastic litter box before we moved here! When she and sis were outside, I presume they did it outside but now... I give her a lot of leeway due to her lonesome life. Hopefully, the next project to be completed will be a wall to close off the living area from what is currently a storage area. At 2 am Monday morning, I put her in the dog crate so I could sleep; let her out about 8. She really behaves very well for the most part. Usually, a raccoon will go off to live their raccoon life in late fall or early spring but she may be retarded by the traumas of her life. Did I mention the hole in the roof, the one where the rain pours in? - about 4 by 12 - with a ladder that people and raccoons can climb to the roof where there is an small open door to the attic space! A portion of that hole is to become a sky light. Eventually, she says hopefully, all will be closed up! I do not need paw prints on my pots!

I put on potting clothes yesterday morning, hopefully. Went to pick up local paper which is being sent to a friend's mailbox until we get one - SOON, PLEASE! Spent an hour or so having a very nice chat until mail came! Then went to municipal office to pick up the trash and recycling bins. Nice staff person arranged for them to be delivered by truck so I went back to Mill and worked on laundry. R found about a ton of filthy clothes in his office so we are working our way through washing those which he considered salvageable - I have thrown some of them in trash too!

Then lunch and decided to get more stuff sorted out: sewing stuff all in one place now! more files sorted and filed. By the time I was ready to pot, I was too tired to get started so I organized to get back to city - perishables, food for Addy, K CLOSED! Finished the last of the good soup I made on Sunday-cauliflower/corn/cheddar - the "C" soup? Very yummy.

This morning, grieving the lack of making pots. Wanted to go back but 90 minutes each way - and the gas it takes... So, determined to bring portable wheel back here with clay and tools so this does not happen again. Transitioning back to a couple days here, etc. So R and Addy each have the pleasure of my company.

I just took a break from writing this to rearrange the electric cords and try to make more order on desk - very cluttered with a printer which refuses to print. Suspect it sat too long and ink is - whatever ink does... Fall does improve my organizing instincts; cooler weather helps!

I pmed a clayart woman a few days ago as she is having trouble pulling together after a move and retirement and still recovering from divorce. I told her about this group and offered to be her support person as she works through the zillion boxes in garage and on porch - "one box at a time"! She was grateful for support. Aren't we all!