The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151887   Message #3550195
Posted By: Bobert
17-Aug-13 - 12:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama
Subject: RE: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama
With the wacko TeaKK'ers on the House of Reps here is a list of other things they may be considering:

1. Outlawing the Democratic Party...

2. Declaring the earth to be flat...

3. Making vaccines illegal...

4. Making it a crime to contract cancer...

5. Killing all renewable energy...

6. Declaring war on sanity...

7. Repealing the American Constitution...

8. Appointing Rush Limbaugh King...

9. Seceding from the United Sates and...

...10. Declaring NASCAR the national sport...
