The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151887   Message #3550289
Posted By: Bobert
17-Aug-13 - 08:06 PM
Thread Name: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama
Subject: RE: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama
The wrongman does NOT do the whole story, Don... He'll take 5% + his right winged Republican blogs and create an entire parallel universe of mythology...

But looks as if he has lured Suzy Sock Puppet6 into his lure...

Yes, the House of Representatives, with their TeaKK contingency, have the votes to pass nay stupid thing they want...

Here's food for thought, Suze... Guess which party carried the popular vote for the House of Representatives national wide in the last election??? And then look at the composition of the House... Where is the "democracy" in that... Maybe you are okay with rigged elections... I am not...

BTW, worngman is perfectly happy with rigged elections... He has never complained about minority tyranny...
