The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3550561
Posted By: Dorothy Parshall
18-Aug-13 - 09:10 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
The reason I said "go see if the air is breathable" yesterday was because R was doing some work inside and I was sitting in the car with the computer to escape dust. Today, he did another project but I was able to sit in the sunroom to escape the dust and odour.

After yesterday's task, we went to look for that second hand store and pick up the K counters we had bought. The store only had two pieces and one was warped so they are going to phone R when they get them. Not pleased. The second hand store took driving around and asking two people. When we found it, we realized the first person, who had sent us in a clearly incorrect direction, was only a couple blocks from the store. And the store which we had been told was green was actually a brick building with a brown roof! And was closed when we finally found it. But we now know their hours and location and shared a huge ice cream cone, next door to it.

Four nights alone seems to have settled Addie down. She chewed on my hand and arm for quite a while in the middle of the night Friday but I was 3/4 asleep and tickled her tum and she went off to bed. Sat night she did it to R but he was also asleep!

I thought I was going to freeze peaches and bought a bunch but they are not freestone and even after boiling water were hard to peel. I did one small basket and swore off. Five baskets to go. Shall have another go at it tomorrow.

Made a great frying pan full of veggies, tortelloni with a little chopped up hot Italian sausage for supper and enough for tomorrow as well (BIG frying pan!). Yummy. Dishes and laundry caught up.