The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3550640
Posted By: Bat Goddess
19-Aug-13 - 08:50 AM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
I've still got my Olivetti-Underwood manual portable typewriter (with case) circa 1962. Full size platen; sweet little typewriter. I'd sent it out to Milwaukee for my dad to use to write letters (which he never did often enough anyway) and then got it back after he passed away.

Really full weekend -- regular weekly session late afternoon on Friday and Tom had a bit of trouble walking from the back of the Press Room to the door before getting into the car, so (though I had help in Portsmouth) that led to a bit of extra anxiety. But he was just tired from a longer than usual walk INTO the Press Room before I was able to move my car to "princess parking" right in front. Anyway, he didn't have any trouble getting into the house, but I'm a bit concerned about getting him around to venues on the Sunday of the maritime festival next month. (Added to my titles on my Performer & Staff badge, will be "Tom Wrangler" -- that's sure what I did last year!)

Saturday was the monthly sea music singaround and then yesterday we were back at The Press Room for a friend's birthday bash. So Tom got a workout three days in a row.

I DID manage to get a bunch of stuff done yesterday before we had to head to Portsmouth. I got the PMFF printed matter sorted for this year (I work on one computer with an older OS then export as PDF and sneaker net it the newer box that's online) and did the initial version of the poster and got it sent off to the board member who does the initial proofing and maintains the website. (Hmm...which reminds me, it's probably time to post the 2013 PMFF here at Mudcat.) I also pulled a bunch more stuff off the old computer AND found (backed up on a CD) the photographs I needed to get to a friend who is contemplating a documentary on the weekly session. Completely rearranging our computer situation (going wireless, upgrading the Mac Mirror Door since the CD/DVD drive is totally buggered -- won't read, and replacing the OS9.2 box with one that has both 9.2 and 10 on it, getting the backing up system and the new removable drive to work right, plus getting Tom an iPad so he can regain a bit of computer independence again thanks to VoiceOver) is one of the many projects that don't work into the schedule right now.

And I made a killer vindaloo...

I also got a lot of work done on 1989. Today while I'm letting my hair dry, I'll get some more work done in the bedroom (Archive Central).

Maybe, too, I can get the plants from Joan in the ground. And snag the paperwork from the pile and get my bloodwork done early tomorrow morning. Got a mammogram scheduled for Thursday, so I'm getting my annual health stuff taken care of in between everything else.

I've got energy again...and I'm taking advantage of it.
