The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151677   Message #3550710
Posted By: Don(Wyziwyg)T
19-Aug-13 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
Subject: RE: BS: Reinforcing respectful 'boundaries'
""As I posted in another thread, a while back, is that the AIDS virus was developed at Fort Kendrick, and 'tested' and targeted both in Africa AND the Homosexual communities. To say that those figures aren't higher, just to gain 'political' points is nothing short of sheer stupidity, would you also say?""

The usual incoherent blether from the Walter Mitty clone who is so far up his own arse as to actually expect the world at large to believe that cardiologists endorse the healing powers of his specific "musical"(?) output.

And he talks about others' delusions?

""'Will to survive, and Reproduce'!..Even Darwinism would agree to that!! ..and being as homosexuality isn't about the latter, 'Reproducing', it is looked upon by the greater of societies, as being a form of 'decadence' OR a form of 'Decay' from the 'Will to survive, and Reproduce'..which all living beings have in IS about sex, it is a choice or a choice made by 'resignation', (and any educated psychologist can enumerate the factors that go into that 'resignation'!""

There is homosexual activity throughout the animal kingdom, but only human beings target and abuse homosexuals.

Don T.