The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68954   Message #3550794
Posted By: Uncle Tone
19-Aug-13 - 03:29 PM
Thread Name: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Subject: RE: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Right.To get back to the MtheGM's statement about the song


I can't see how the song itself can be described as anything other than 'snobbish'. One thing that has always astounded me is how the great egalitarian martyr &-all-that P Seeger could have brought himself to perform such an ill-natured attack on such respectable and indispensable members of society as doctors & lawyers. Where would we be without them, for crying out loud! What's 'ticky-tacky' about them?


If he thinks this is an attack against doctors and lawyers, or even housing, he misses the whole point of the song and grossly maligns MR and Pete Seeger. In fact to make such criticism as an english person against what is so obviously an indigenous American song is really out of order.

The song is about breaking away from what is expected of you. Instead, doing what you want to do. Being free. It's very much a song of the american 60s.

To bring the sentiment back to the UK it has the same message as Mick Softley's Gold Watch Blues (and is just as dated now).

To claim that MR's song is 'snobbish' Is either mischievous or markedly uninformed.
