The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68954   Message #3550819
Posted By: Jeri
19-Aug-13 - 04:17 PM
Thread Name: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Subject: RE: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
We've had this discussion before. Personally, I think it's stupid. You like the song, you don't like the song, or you don't care. You won't change anything, though.

Reynolds apperently wrote the song about Daly City, which means McMansions.
The Wikipedia article talks about the thread being about suburbia, middle class housing, and includes a picture of Levittown. This, AFAIK, was because that's how a Wikipedia contributor understood it.

It may not be what Reynolds intended, but it doesn't matter. People have to try pretty hard to be offended by the song. The people living in the little boxes made of ticky-tacky knew they were living in little boxes made of ticky-tacky, and folks used to joke about it when I was a kid. My mother used to sing the song

The only really dumb thing, as in stupid, as in it makes no fucking sense whatsoever is thinking that people who lived in those relatively inexpensive houses could afford to send their sons and daughters to law school or med school. Disconnect. This should tip people off she wasn't writing about people who would have been happy with a home, period.

It might be a good idea to change or add to the Wiki.