The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3550868
Posted By: wysiwyg
19-Aug-13 - 07:28 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Can't Say,

First, remember-- it is NOT a moral failing or character fault! There is some good reason that your things are the way they are. Knowing that can make it possible to start having things the way YOU want them.

The quickest way out of any hole is whichever way you can SEE, so what do you see that you would most like to bring to reality-- what would be your favorite place in all the house... if it was the way you'd like it to be?

Once you choose that spot, start with very small steps: try to keep two commitments: (1) bring nothing more INto that spot, and (2) move one thing OUT of that spot each time you pass it. Move it outside if you can, into bins marked KEEP, DONATE, TOSS. When the KEEP bin is full, add a daily commitment to put away one item from that bin, per day, where you instinctively know it belongs. Ditto with DONATE and TOSS. When a bin is full, take it where it needs to go.

Those commitments will keep you going and make a foundation to do whole rooms at a time eventually-- or make it clear to you, deep down, that you need some educated help, on-site or medically.

I have helped several friends get started. Some of them DID have ceiling-high stacks. PM for further support, if you like.
