The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #68954   Message #3550989
Posted By: sciencegeek
20-Aug-13 - 07:16 AM
Thread Name: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?
Subject: RE: Help: Little Boxes (Malvina Reynolds) ticky-tacky?

you keep harping on no other options for returning GIs...

well, my dad served in WWII and came home to Astoria, NY where he met & wed my mom. They lived in a small apartment in Jackson Heights, saved their money & bought land out on the eastern end of Long Island. It took a couple years & we lived in a converted chicken coop while they built the home I grew up in with help from friends & family.

That's what people used to do... and they sometimes used home kits from SEARS and others. And they scrimped to save enough to send their kids to college... often with scholarships. And some, like my uncles, used the GI Bill to fund their own college educations to become an engineer and a geologist.

MR may have written about California but the trend spread across the country and it could easily apply to any number of housing tracts that sprang up like mushrooms. The song appeals to anyone who was or is appalled by both ticky tacky construction and seemingly mindless conformity.

It appeals to me because I rebelled against most of the BS that people wanted to impose upon me merely because I was born female. And because I knew how to build a house that would be sound and last for generations.