The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3551179
Posted By: Bat Goddess
20-Aug-13 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Finally accomplished something where I can SEE I've made a dent -- I lopped brush (small trees) out back earlier this afternoon, then came in to recover (after enjoying sitting on the deck for awhile watching the dragonflies).

Did a load of laundry (I was out of underwear...a sure indicator) and dried and folded part of it (the socks and underwear part). (That's the kind of thing where there's NO sense of accomplishment because it just has to be done again.) Also finished updating my 1989 archive calendar/timeline -- that's what I do for ME. (It's a form of R&R with a REAL sense of accomplishment.)

Then went out and lopped some more small trees and stacked (or at least consolidated) the cut branchery. That's the good news... The bad news is...there's a lot more to go.

Got a lot done this morning, too -- including putting a lot of miles on the car. After putting coffee in an insulated pump thermos for Tom and getting him squared away for awhile, I went down to Lee Walk-in and got the fasting bloodwork done for my annual check-up. Then grabbed some coffee and a breakfast burrito and went over to my car guy's. The only thing left it could be is the computer which probably needs to be replaced, but he verified that I could beat my 60 day deadline and get the emissions part of the inspection done today (then we can worry about the computer without that hanging over our heads). So I headed over to Somersworth trying out a new shortcut. Screwed up the last leg, but didn't put me too far out of my way (and now I know some more back roads). Inspection accomplished! Then I drove to Northwood to the pharmacy to pick up a couple prescriptions. Put on over 40 miles from when I got gas, but I got gas about 10 or so miles from home. Lovely day to be driving leafy back roads, though.

Oh, and I made the minor changes on the PMFF flyer and got it and the 2-up version emailed to my partner in crime who also takes care of the website.

Got a few more piddly things done. (Oh, yeah! Got rid of a stack of magazines at Lee Walk-In! They are MORE than happy to take them off my hands so their patients have some interesting stuff to read.)

Good day -- and it's not over. Supper's a simple fix and I don't have to make it for an hour or so. Think I'll grab a cool drink and a couple magazines and sit on the deck for awhile. I've done enough!
