The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151887   Message #3551434
Posted By: sciencegeek
21-Aug-13 - 01:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama
Subject: RE: BS: House of Reps has Votes to Impeach Obama

we need to remember our history... the Conservative Party is no longer that of William Buckly any more than the current so called Republican Party is that of Lincoln.

What we have are the former Dixiecrats and new age Robber Barons that are using the same BS that got good people who never owned a slave in their lives to fight & die for the plantation owning rich - but thinking that they were fighting for state's rights & personal liberty. Bah!

Lies and misdirection are their tools - the same as those used by every would be tyrant that needs to disrupt the social order to gain control & power.

Those that fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it...