The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151923   Message #3551889
Posted By: Anne Lister
22-Aug-13 - 04:29 PM
Thread Name: BS: New Pets?
Subject: RE: BS: New Pets?
Some of you will remember that we lost our much loved Fitz just before Christmas. Half Bengal, half Birman in ancestry, almost totally Bengal in behaviour (not necessarily a good thing) and a total love as long as we weren't telling him off and cleaned his litter tray to an almost OCD level. He was also an adrenaline junky and discovered the main road, across two fields, on a winter night. He was eight months old and growing into such a beautiful cat. I have shed so many tears for him, but at least we found out the end of his story.
After Christmas we realised that Persia, although she had seemed to be constantly at odds with him, was missing him almost as much as we were. So we set about searching. I'd have liked a similar mix of breeds although that would probably have resulted in another nutter (two opposing sets of characteristics is bound to lead to some element of mental health issues!) and then we saw an on-line ad for a one quarter Bengal kitten.   Drove to see him and fell in love instantly. Luckily the "foster parents" liked us immediately, too, and so Mylo came home with us. He's one quarter Bengal, one quarter Snow Shoe and one half moggie. He's smokey grey and white, with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen in a cat (he seems to look inside your heart), and he's also amazingly long and thin. A sort of greyhound version of a cat! He's now ten months old and we love him to pieces.
Persia has coped with his arrival remarkably well although again there's a lot of scolding and keeping him in his place. They can both sit on me as long as they don't make eye contact. She allows him to eat her food, amazingly. He loves climbing - he's stopped climbing the curtains and walking along the curtain poles now, but he still climbs everywhere in search of pesky flies. He's a good hunter, bringing in a regular haul of squeakers of various sorts, and brought in a fair number of live baby bunnies a month or so back, as well. (Which he abandoned in the living room, presumably bored .. bit of a shock when you're watching tv to suddenly realise there's a bunny under the easy chair!) Recently he's taken to just bringing in decapitated heads and green wobbly bits (to quote Pratchett) rather than the whole squeaker, which isn't too easy to deal with first thing in the morning.
But best of all, he's a real cuddler. He loves to sleep between us, moving from the bottom of the bed to the middle, down under the duvet and then, some of the time, up by our faces where he hugs us with cushioned paws and gives us lengthy nose to mouth kisses. He's also very verbal, and appears to understand that questions require answers.

He's inspired some poems and short stories .. may have an announcement about that in due course.

The only other thing to say is that his "foster mother" has since told me that after our visit she had discovered a stash of other emails enquiring about him which had somehow been mis-filtered out of her in box. Somehow my email made it through. Looks as if he was meant to be with us!