The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3552839
Posted By: Bat Goddess
25-Aug-13 - 09:49 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Yee hah! Found accommodations for the last musician needing one during the maritime festival. We not only have a few more musicians this year, but it's been a little more difficult for some reason this year to find a bed for everybody.

Been dealing with a family crisis in Milwaukee for the past few days. Finally had a long talk with my sister (my mother's caregiver) today. She desperately needs caregiver respite care. My brother called me Thursday on his way over from Iowa and I talked to him again yesterday after he got home.

Really lucked out at a yardsale yesterday -- bought a bunch of tobacco collectibles really cheap -- branded ashtrays, really high quality cigar boxes, and a folk art cigarette box that, when it opens, lifts two rows of cigarettes for easy delivery. For resale, of course. And one of the waitresses at The Press Room Friday night asked when I would bring in some more jewelry that I have for sale. (She was wearing the jeweled quartz crystal I sold her a few months ago.)

I have to call my car guy tomorrow. On the way home from Portsmouth on Friday, the "Check Engine" light came on -- which was expected. The problem is probably the computer which will need to be replaced. I drove to Portsmouth again yesterday to the Farmers' Market and to spend a little time talking books in a friend's garden (and petting her dog who adores me). I didn't notice the "check engine" light, but I assume it was on. Well, this morning I went out to do a short yardsale loop and, when I was a couple miles from home, I noticed the light was NOT on. Odd. Then I heard a weird sound -- sort of a jingle-y squeak -- I think from the vicinity of the rear driver's side wheel. After about 3 or 4 miles, it went away. As far as I know, the "Check Engine" light is still off.

Made some headway today (while waiting for my sister's call -- she can only call me when she's out doing errands or my mother listens in) on organizing and consolidating the piles of papers/ephemera in the bedroom. Found another box with old photos from the '80s through 1990. And some wonderful shots of Jay Smith at the 1986 St. Patrick's performance of Cuckoo's Nest and session photos from when the session was at a table in front of what is now the A/C ductwork.

Oh, and we had the first BLT made from local heirloom tomatoes tonight for supper. Washed down by Otter Creek Black IPA. Wonderful... (Need to get some more bacon and bread tomorrow.)
