The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3553186
Posted By: Bat Goddess
26-Aug-13 - 07:34 PM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
What a day!

First, discovered wasps building a nest under the lower end of the handrail on the outside steps. Managed to get both me and Tom safely unstung to the car. (Didn't have time to get the wasp spray.) Got the two errands done well before we needed to be at the Wound Center, so went to drop off stuff at Goodwill...where I discovered that yes, I had taken the stuff out to the car (along with other stuff), but I'd evidently put it next to the back of the car and forgotten when I'd gotten the other stuff stowed, to put the Goodwill stuff into the boot. Sigh.

Things went well at the wound center and they actually found another spot on Tom's heel that they were even more concerned about. So...they wanted an x-ray and some bloodwork. Sat in Radiology forever before he finally got the x-ray, but by the time we'd gotten out of there, the Lab had closed. So tomorrow morning I'll have to call and see if he can have the work done at Lee Walk-In so we don't have to drive back to Dover.

Had a couple stops on the way home, then eliminated the wasps before bringing Tom in. Really glad supper was leftovers that just had to be warmed up and dished out into a mayonnaised and cheesed hotdog roll.

Just wrapped up some more PMFF communication and I'm now ready to go upstairs and under-react until Tom wants to go to bed.

