The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #5875   Message #35532
Posted By: Animaterra
21-Aug-98 - 11:28 AM
Thread Name: Has anyone the courage now? (Moses Asch)
Subject: RE: Has anyone the courage now?
It seems to me that never before in the history of the world has a generation (say, age 12-20) been so disenfranchised and cut off from the rest of society. This is in part due to the media who view them as a commodity. These kids are virtually raising themselves and look to one another for community, ritual, etc. Look at "Lord of the Flies" for how well that works. There must be some way to unify the generations. Music can be a great unifier, but we may have to go more than half way in our willingness to meet them. I teach 5-12 year olds in the bucolic Monadnock region of NH and even here and at this age can see the effects of disconnection and disenfranchisement. They love to sing, and that's my hope.