The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151986   Message #3553570
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
27-Aug-13 - 11:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: LSD keeps you sane
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
My my, we're getting so sensitive...
THIS is a 'personal attack'????:

"Not at all, must have ignored, the post above it where I said:

From: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
Date: 26 Aug 13 - 12:04 AM

Lonesome EJ: "The temptation is to continue to use the drug to achieve deeper revelations, at which point it becomes a crutch,..."

..and who uses crutches????

...and so many thing can become crutches...religion, politics, habits, dependencies, co-dependencies, alcohol, materialism, name it.

Independent thinking, and true independence, begins when you walk away without a crutch."

Many people(more than you might be aware of), transfer addictive personalities away from things like alcohol, or substance abuse, and channel that same addictions into other behavioral patterns.
Instead of a knee-jerk re-action, which seems to be 'normal' on here, you might consider what I posted, as a reality that people deal with(or don't deal with), and NOT a personal slam.
In a time where people don't take personal responsibility for their actions, merely pointing something out is often taken as a personal attack....far from is something very REAL to consider.
To some people, turning somebody else onto a 'political nuance' is as ego gratifying, as turning somebody onto their first try at a drug...and drug taking is, more often than not, a 'social activity'.
I guess for those who get high alone, it would be as 'satisfying' as having a political stance, that you don't expound on, to others.
Just pause, and think about it for a might all come to you, and when or if it does, you might actually appreciate, that someone turned you onto it!....and it wasn't harmful, addictive but rather, added to your understanding or even introspection.

Glad to been of service to you...."

THAT was a personal attack???????