The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151998   Message #3553778
Posted By: GUEST,Grishka
28-Aug-13 - 11:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Name for people from USA
Subject: RE: BS: Name for people from USA
PHJim, many Candians feel like you do, and have written so on Mudcat. Similarly, most Australians are happy with "Aussie". As for endearment, you cannot always be sure, and even less so about proper respect.

For example, assume I wanted to make a statement like "The Canadians should rethink their political system" - that sounds reasonable (as with most other countries, by the way), if properly substantiated. If however I said "The Canucks should rethink their political system", it would sound patronizing or worse, if not in your ears, then in mine and probably in those of other listeners. I would not take the risk if I can avoid it.

Lighter, this thread is for those of us who want to appear as polite, respectful, and reasonably savvy on international matters. Those who do not (e.g. because they feel to be in need of war propaganda) should ignore it, but it is not pointless, even if most of it has been discussed many times before.