The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152014   Message #3553948
Posted By: Suzy Sock Puppet
28-Aug-13 - 09:02 PM
Thread Name: Miley Cyrus
Subject: RE: Miley Cyrus
Here are the results of a poll:

Out of 1593 votes, 316 or 19.8% loved her performance. Out of the remaining 1277 who were offended by her performance, this is how it shakes out: 242 or 15.2 % were most offended by her outfit (including the foam finger); 500 or 31.4% by her twerking; and 535 or 33.6% (including me) by her tongue action.

That lolling tongue was grotesque and creepy, like something out of "The Exorcist." It put me off immediately. To say that her costume and hairstyle were in poor taste would be an understatement. Tacky tacky. Little Cindy Lou Who pigtails that looked more like little horns but no sexy she devil, more like possessed child. That wasn't twerking. She was up there flailing around half the time like Jim Morrison on a bad night. She was utterly graceless, unfeminine, not sexy at all. ..

Excellent commentary of Miley Cyrus' MTV Awards performance:

The last line sums it up:

"The other problem is that I'm afraid she just isn't very good at it."

I'll second that.