The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152014   Message #3554026
Posted By: GUEST,CS
29-Aug-13 - 05:39 AM
Thread Name: Miley Cyrus
Subject: RE: Miley Cyrus
"Poor taste? Yes. But, even if you feel it is poor, it is to other peoples taste. So why the hatefest?"

I've never knowingly given Cyrus any attention before now. We were asked to share opinions so did so.

I think there are a number of things going on here, firstly it's mu$ic clearly created for and marketed AT kids/children/pre-teens, fair enough, but the reason the act attracted attention, wasn't for sexualised content per se (plenty of that about after all), but sexualised content aimed AT an audience of children - the show was at a specifically teen music event. To compound matters, there was also a whole heap of sketchy peado references with the the dancing teddy bears and having a fully clothed old bloke (he's twice her age) miming bumming a girl who's just stripped off of a teddy bear outfit.

If Cyrus wants to explore kink/fetishistic teddies, daddy and naughty little girl sex themes in her umm art, that's fine but to target it at a child audience for the sake of getting more media attention, is exploitative and plain shady.