The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151363   Message #3554089
Posted By: Bat Goddess
29-Aug-13 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Subject: RE: Summer Declutter & Fitness - AUGUST '13
Well, got carried away yesterday (plus had nothing really pressing -- except, of course, the paperwork I was avoiding), so spent a lot of time on the box of Tom's articles. I'd forgotten how prolific he was in that time period! On February 18, 1996 he had the whole front page of the Accent section of the Portsmouth Herald -- an article about draft Guinness above the fold and a story about Mark Fenwick, local sculptor, below the fold.

I just this minute got yesterday's laundry into the dryer, unstacked all the smaller rugs (less than 5x8) from the pile of boxes in front of the bookcase, helped Tom get from the bed to the table (since he's more blind first thing in the morning) and got his coffee and poured in the cream -- he's not going to be able to drink it until he can see a little better, and then came back to locate the box with more of his writing in it, put it on the top of the stack, and then put all the rugs back (so Rufus won't be upset -- that's his morning and evening nap spot; afternoon nap spot is on the bed upstairs).

I've realized why for many events in our lives I had no newspaper clipping in my archives -- Tom wrote the article and they were all in boxes together. After I get them all properly filed chronologically and I make an index, I can put the duplicates of each article into the archives. (And put them into the timeline/calendar at the beginning of each year.) That way I'll have a digital record as well, so it can be searched. (Oh, and I'll also have two less boxes taking up space!)

Tom's got an appointment with his cardiologist this afternoon.
