The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28556   Message #355439
Posted By: Brendy
12-Dec-00 - 01:00 AM
Thread Name: Fire in Praise's Home
Subject: RE: Fire in Praise's Home
"that's probably because we need the most work" whit, I replied "Speak for yourself".
That was all, Morty. Everyone is the best judge of how much 'saving' they require. There were a load more ways to say what everybody thinks she said (though she never did explain, herself)

A quick search on Praise's posts reveals a certain M.O. too....if you can ever get the page to load, and those ********s summed it up quite nicely, for me.

I have nothing against the woman, personally; she's just had a fire to deal with, and that's a pain in the arse, especially at this time of year. But then she comes over here and starts striking matches.

OK, Praise, we're all pretty much broken up about your troubles, and I understand that in such stressful times, one can often seek comfort in that great sofa of the celestial analyst. But overdoing it is zealotry, and you, my dear, are guilty of that. Over and over and over again

Don't be so presumptious of God, or 'The Irish', and whatever you do, don't assume the mantle of 'Saviour'. Not on my part, and certainly not while I'm reading these threads.
There's enough Pharisees at the altar, and far too many saviours on His cross, Praise. Do something else, instead of sitting there on your sanctimonius, bible-belted ass.
You deserve all the criticism you get. I may do as well.

But at least I realise that, and take it (when it's intelligently enough rendered), and maybe, perhaps, even learn from it.

As I said...think what you will. At least I am affording you all the opportunity to do that. Praise doesn't.
