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Thread #151986   Message #3554460
Posted By: GUEST,Guest from Sanity
30-Aug-13 - 12:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: LSD keeps you sane
Subject: RE: BS: LSD keeps you sane
FrogPrince: "Believe it or not, Gfs, I don't think you are saying anything crazy there. But I would say that you haven't so much proved anyone's misconception wrong, as indicated a valid "minority" interpretation, or brought out a commonly neglected dimension, of complex and often ambiguous material. In saying this, I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen; whether or not what the Bible says is reliable remains a separate question."

Hey Froggers!! You said a WHOLE LOT there! let me go through a couple of things you addressed...OK?

FP: "But I would say that you haven't so much proved anyone's misconception wrong, as indicated a valid "minority" interpretation,.."

I don't think that it does much of any good to try to 'disprove' anyone's 'misconception', as it does to bring out certain things that in themselves causes the '"minority" interpretation' to diminish and fade away.............................(especially on here)....

FP: "........or brought out a commonly neglected dimension, of complex and often ambiguous material."

Or even a omni-verse, instead of the concept of a 'universe' as the minority interpretation usually envisions it, because if you break it all down, there are more than one dimension in what is commonly referred to as the 'universe'....and folks tend to think of the universe in terms of the matter that is detectable by our senses, or even instruments. That being said, ALL the dimensions put together, still make a 'universe', and that incomplete misinterpretation of what it is, seems to stunt people's ability to conceive that it is FAR, greater, and a more massive scope than what the 'minority misconception' allows....especially when they discount, as you say, "complex and often ambiguous material."

FP: "...I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen;..."

'IS happening', or 'will happen' is really a matter of perception. 'Will happen' denotes 'Time'. You might think of it as a circle. If you start at one particular place on the circle, and travel around that line, then 'time' is applicable...however, if you are looking AT your circle, as a whole. then 'time' is not applicable, because you see it as one circle, with no beginning or end. Dimensional?? Perceptual??

FP: "I'm just talking about the difficulty of establishing one clear picture of what the Bible says is happening, or will happen;"

See above!!

FP: "In my Father's house are many mansion; I go to prepare a place for you, that where I am, you may be also". If that isn't in Heaven, will it be in an area of revitalized earthly desert, perhaps the Death Valley area...or what would you envision?"

Well, if it had a 'locale' that would put a 'limit' on the 'dimensional range' that it could cover, right?
I'd say that what we sense here, as our 'temporal reality', is only a small glimpse of what we COULD access, (and sometimes do), if we'd open our eyes wider and consider that 'All things are possible', depending on our receptiveness to allow them to happen, and being in humble wonderment, of the power of it all, and not taking 'credit' for any of it, but in our lives, and even in our physical bodies, being open to let manifest, what Love, life and light can really do. When we get in the way of that Light, is when we cast shadows. But if we don't make 'more of ourselves' than we ought, I think the Light would shine right through us....and if in the dimensions, conscious Light is one of the properties, then let it happen.

Hey man, I really dug your post this time!!!! I've got to ask you a question in return....
If Heaven is coming to us OR if we 'go to heaven', but it is already here, too, what political party do you think is going to be 'there'?

As I've said quite a few times on here....."Snap now, and avoid the 'rush'!

That's why music is so fantastic!!...You can manifest the Light into sound!


P.S...Naw..I'll save it for a little later....