The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152042   Message #3555001
Posted By: Stu
01-Sep-13 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: BS: Cameron defeat in parliament
Subject: RE: BS: Cameron defeat in parliament
"It is not a weapon, although you would not want a big sack to land on your toe."

The export licences were granted in January 2013, 10 months after the war had begun, and were only rescinded when tougher sanctions were imposed. These chemicals are not weapons themselves of course (doh) but can be used to make them.

So your beloved government might well be involved in this whole nightmare, and questions should be asked.

Just one thing Keith . . . if Sodium fluoride is not a weapon, then stick your head in bag of the powder and take several long, deep breaths (hint: call an ambulance before you do). On second thoughts, you're used to taking things on face value so for christ's sake don't. Please.

"Since the advent of the anti-politics party UKIP"

Brilliant! That gave me a belly-laugh.

UKIP are playing politics so well that an ex-public school, ex-stockbroker right-wing establishment posho can convince the most gullible in society that it has nothing to do with ex-public school, ex-city, posho establishment types and is standing should-to-shoulder with the man or woman in the street, with whom they have fuck-all in common (except for those who also hate johnny foreigner).

You couldn't make this shit up.