The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #151998   Message #3555806
Posted By: GUEST,Lighter
03-Sep-13 - 02:41 PM
Thread Name: BS: Name for people from USA
Subject: RE: BS: Name for people from USA
> Americans are not and have not been, an oppressed people.

Oh, no? Care to try to collect that tea tax again?

BTW, as has been pointed out often enough, few people in the *real world* feel that calling Americans "Americans" is impolite, disrespectful, insensitive, thuggish, colonialist, and/or "war propaganda." Also, a Spaniard calling a Latin American an "Americano" is no different from a Brit (oops! obviously I mean "British or Irish person!") calling a North American American an "American" back before there even was a United States of America. One idiom doesn't neutralize the other.

Is it true that whenever one identifies Barack Obama as "the American President," he or she is, consciously or not, insulting the rest of the Western hemisphere? Are those who answer yes in possession of all their marbles?

And now, back to normal.