The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #28592   Message #355754
Posted By: Jon Freeman
12-Dec-00 - 12:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Avoiding SPAM
Subject: RE: BS: Avoiding SPAM
Praise: Makes some innocent comment which mentions God and the Irish,
Satan: "Brendy, that bitch is at it again, ramming religion down peoples throats and what's more she dared to mention the Irish. Tell her where to go."
Brendy: "A f*** off Praise you bitch"
Satan: "Praise, you don't have to take that from that little shit, make him suffer"
Praise: "Yes Brendy you little shit, I'll make you suffer".

Satan: "Great I've got those too at it and better still, I have Praise going against her own beliefs, let's see who else I can draw in".
Satan: < chuckles to himself >
