The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #152069   Message #3557938
Posted By: Bat Goddess
10-Sep-13 - 05:51 PM
Thread Name: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
Subject: RE: Autumn Leaves Decluttered Spaces 2013
We finally got home this afternoon and the first thing I did (after getting Tom safely in the house and settled in) was pour myself a gin & tonic. (I don't usually drink before a glass of wine or half a beer with dinner.)

That's what kind of day it is.

And when I checked my email, I'd gotten another request for a contribution from my Senator, Jean Shaheen. I'd send a rant back at her request yesterday saying how disappointed I was in her vote on the Syrian situation in the Foreign Relations Committee last week. So, I added to it and resent it again today. Isn't there ANYONE in Washington who cares about history, LEARNS from history, and makes decisions based on history?!? History IS important. ALL of the mistakes this country has made has been from a combination of greedy self interest and lack of respect (or even knowledge) of history.

Well, I'd been planning on going upstairs and under-reacting (word I learned during the 1968 Democratic Convention in Chicago -- when the police "over-reacted") until supper, but it's too late now. Gotta read Tom the program text and performer blurbs again before emailing it off to Babs and then I can make supper which, thank gawd!, is a really quick fix.

I WILL get some down time after supper!
